I have a dream that one day people praise each other,show kindness to each other and help with each other,and everybody’s face is full of happiness,health and pleasure,everyone can find the job which they like,there is no complain when they work and everyone feel pleasant when they work and no extra entainmant is needed to relax after work and every one can set the realistic target and wishes and each target and wish can be reached finally.
- 本文分类:演讲稿
- 本文标签:无
- 浏览次数:788 次浏览
- 发布日期:2024-05-16 17:31:16
- 本文链接:https://www.kuotie.com/post/48999.html
- 上一篇 > 关于安全演讲稿范文精选八篇
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